Adjust Your Position to Fine Tune that Sprint!

Here are Five Important Body Positions for Proper Sprinting…

5 Tips Sprint Positions

1. Hands in Drops
Placing your hands on the drops instead of on the hoods will give you more traction and leverage to throw the bike during your sprint.

2. Out of Saddle
Standing up and getting out of the saddle during a sprint will allow you to put more power into your pedals and accelerate during a sprint. When you stand, your weight shifts forward.

3. Bent Elbows
Bending your elbows as you stand will give you room to move the bike underneath you. In addition, bending your elbows inward will add to aerodynamics.

4. Flat Back
The taller you are on the bike, the less aerodynamic you will be. By getting your back as flat as possible you will not only be more aerodynamic, you will also have more weight forward which will increase your acceleration.

5. Look Up!
Don’t forget to look where you are going! When practicing your sprint, having a target (like a mailbox, road sign, or spot on the road) will give you focus. During a race, looking up will allow you to pick your lines around riders and keep you moving in a straight line.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Go out and try these techniques!